Open letter to CNN; subject North Korea / Otvoreno pismo CNN-u; predmet Severna Koreja
(The text was written during the Trump Administration but it is still applicable)
Dear CNN “Friends”
I live in Melbourne, Australia. CNN is my favourite TV station. Every single day I watch Don Lemon, Christiane Amanpour, Chris Cuomo etc.
One of the most popular topics is North Korea. Kim Jong-Un’s regime is described as a “rogue” regime (one that goes against international norms of conduct, has large conventional military forces and sponsors international terrorism).
One of the biggest concerns of American people (according to your TV station) is the state of “human rights” and living standard in NK.
It would be interesting if, in your program, you give a comparison between USA and NK (using your sources and American Intelligence) of the following points:
- Number of school shootings and the number of students killed in the last say 5 years
- Number of mass shootings and the number of people killed in the last 5 years
- Number of registered firearms per capita
- Estimation of not registered firearms per capita
- Number and percentage of drug addicts
- Number and percentage of homeless people (living under bridges, streets etc)
- Price of living (food, housing, health, education etc)
What about the “human rights” of
- the people who get killed in mass shootings
- ones that live every day in fear of being killed in a shooting (due to the large number of firearms in hands of the citizens),
- ones that are exposed to large quantities of drugs on the streets
- ones that can’t cope with the high prices of living, health, education etc.
It would be good If you could publish the same comparison with China. The concern of American people about “human rights” in China is increasing. It is especially noticable since the time China started becoming a significant military factor and an important factor in world politics and economy.
Branislav Kovachevich
(Pisano u vreme Trampove administracije ali je jos uvek aktuelno)
Dragi moji CNN “prijatelji”
Zivim u Melburnu, Australija. CNN je moja omiljena TV stanica. Svaki dan gledam Don Lemona, Kris Kuomo, Kristian Amanpur itd.
Jedan od najpopularnijih tema je Severna Koreja. Kim Jong Un rezim je opisan kao “rogue” (rezim koji se ne ponasa u skladu sa medjunarodnim pravom I normama, koji ima jaku vojsku I sponzorise medjunarodni terorizam).
Ono sto najvise brine Americki narod (po vasoj TV stanici) je problem “ljudskih prava” I nivo standarda zivota u Severnoj Koreji.
Bilo bi interesantno kada bi u vasem programu dali poredjenje izmedju USA I Severne Koreje (koristeci vase izvore I saznanja) po sledecim pitanjima:
- Broj pucnjava po skolama I broj masovnih ubistava u skolama, u zadnjih 5 godina
- Broj pucnjava I broj masovnih ubistava, ukupno, u zadnjih 5 godina
- Broj registrovanog oruzja po osobi
- Procenjen broj neregistrovanog oruzja po osobi
- Broj I procenat zavisnika od droge
- Broj I procenat beskucnika (oni koji zive ispod most ova, na ulicama u kartonskim kutijama itd
- Troskove zivota (hrana, stanovanje, zdravstvena zastita, obrazovanje itd)
Sta sa “ljudskim pravima”
- Ljudi koji su ubijeni u masovnim pucnjavama
- Onih koji svakodnevno zive u strahu da ne budu ubijeni (zbog velike kolicine oruzja u rukama gradjana)
- Onih koji su na udaru velike kolicine droge na ulicama
- Onih koji ne mogu izdrze visoke cene zivota, zdravstvenih usluga, skolstva itd.
Bilo bi dobro ako mozete da objavite slicna poredjenja sa Kinom obzirom da Amerikanci sve vise “brinu” o ljudskim pravima u Kini narocito od kada je evidentno da Kina postaje sve znacajniji vojni faktor I vazan faktor u svetskoj ekonomiji I politici.
Sa postovanjem
Branislav Kovachevich
U pravu si. Nazalost nema nimalo izgleda da se nesto promeni.
Tek da znas da sam procitao i da rade ovi komentari.