• Life

    Cat problem / Problem sa mackom

    Cat problem

    It was Friday afternoon, 11 June 2021. Somebody was knocking at the door. I didn’t expect anybody taking in consideration the restriction  due to Covid 19. In front of the door was a woman in Brimbank City Council uniform.  The serious expression on her face was a sign that a big problem was in question. In her hand, she was holding a small collar, probably belonging to a cat. She kindly introduced herself, explained where she was coming from and asked politely:  “Do you recognise it?” showing the collar.

    I didn’t recognise it but my wife said that it most probably belongs to some of our cats. I was still waiting to see what the problem is. Finally, the mystery was solved. Apparently, our cat was noticed in a neighbour’s backyard where the collar was found. The neighbour informed the Brimbank City Council about the incident. At first, I was surprised by the problem.  And then, I felt a kind of happiness.  If, at the moment, the biggest problem is my cat noticed in the neighbour’s backyard, and the City Council is devoted to solving the “problem”, it means that all other problems are already solved.  

    My first thought was that I chose the right country to live in.

    The Brimbank City Council officer recommended that I should not allow my cat to go to the neighbor’s backyard.  If I am not able to control the cat, I should make an enclosure for the cat or put it in a cage or put electrical fence around the house. Otherwise, they will set a trap and catch the cat.  She didn’t explain what they would do next.

    Then, I remembered the other cases in connection to the Brimbank City Council and their “concerns” about the citizens.  

    Case 1.  

    In 2007 my daughter was attacked around 50m from our house, while taking our two dogs for a walk (small breeds Maltese and Silky terrier).  They were attacked by two pit bull terriers, at that time a banned breed in Australia). My daughter suffered wounds and scratches, Jack (silky terrier) was literary torn (internal organs were torn to such extent that he was put to sleep in hospital that night), Brandy (Maltese terrier) was wounded and covered with blood but he survived.   The pit bull terriers, that attacked our daughter, were free, without leashes and the owner was not around.  

    The Brimbank City Council was informed but never I heard from them nor heard what happened next.  Actually, they gave the details of our daughter to the attacking dogs’ owner who kept on harassing her for some time after the incident.  

    Case 2.  

    From 2007 till 2017 our neighbours were listening to the music too loud almost every day, all day long. The music was so loud that my daughters were not able to study. Even with closed windows, we were not able to watch TV normally, listen to the radio or communicate with telephone. Basses were so strong that vibrations were felt throughout the house. The music was lasting for all day long and sometimes during the nights.   The source of music was sometimes in the house, sometimes the covered are in the backyard, sometimes front yard (from the car with 1100W strong subwoofer). For a few years they let the caravan (situated in their back yard next to our fence). It was the source of loud music too even at times when there was nobody in the caravan. We informed The Brimbank City Council about that and asked for a help. They asked me to make a diary with precise dates and times when loud music occurs. When I told them that I already had a diary, their response was:

    – They can’t do anything because the source of music is in the private property.  If it was in the public area (street, park etc) they would be able to intervene.

    – The neighbor had the right to listen to loud music  

    Now, I started thinking about the cases.  

    1. When banned breed of dogs, unleashed, attack a teenager on the street (public property) and kill properly registered and leashed dog, this is OK. Not only that, the owner of the attacker dogs is informed about the victim’s address. But, when my cat is noticed in the neighbour’s backyard (private property) , The Brimbank City Council jumps in immediately to “solve” the problem.  

    2. The neighbor, who doesn’t work and who lives on taxpayer’s (my) money, has the right to listen to the loud music all day long (and often during night). My daughters don’t have the right to study and prepare for exams in a quiet atmosphere. Actually, he has more right to listen to the loud music than them to study.  

    Now, I ask myself:  Who is the crazy one here? Am I missing something?   

    Which kind of society is it?  

    Anyway, something is not normal  
    Problem sa mackom

    Petak po podne, 11.06.2021. Neko kuca. Ne ocekujem nikog obzirom na restrikcije zbog Covd-19.  Otvaram vrata I, vidim, zena u uniformi Brimbank City Council-a (to bi bilo kao sluzbenik opstine kod nas). Ozbiljno lice (sto bi bio znak da je u pitanju veliki problem), drzi u ruci ogrlicu koja je (obzirom na velicinu) pripadala verovatno macki. Posto se lepo predstavila tj objasnila odakle dolazi, pita uljudno: ”Da li je prepoznajete?”

    Ja ne prepoznajem ali supruga rece da verovatno pripada jednoj od nashi macaka.  Ja cekam da vidim u cemu je problem. Napokon, misterija je razjasnjena:  Navodno, nasa macka je primecena u susedovom dvoristu, cak je tamo ostavila ogrlicu, I sused je slucaj prijavio opstini (Brimbank City Council).   U prvom trenutku bio sam iznenadjen problemom.  Onda, sam odjednom osetio srecu.  Jer, ako je sada njaveci problem to sto je moja macka primecena u susednom dvoristu (I da je opstina resena da I taj “problem” resi) onda znaci da su svi ostali problemi reseni.  

    Moja prva pomisao je bila: Odabrao sam pravu zemlju za zivot.  

    Sluzbenik opstine mi je preporucio da ubuce “ne dozvolim” macki da ide u tudja dvorista.  A, ako nisam u stanju da to uradim, da macku stavim u kavez ili da stavim elektricnu ogradu oko kuce.  U suprotnom, oni ce postaviti zamku I uhvatiti je.  Nije mi objasnjeno sta se posle toga desava.  

    Onda sam se setio drugih slucajeva vezanih za Brimbank City Council I njihovu “brigu” o stanovnicima.    

    Slucaj 1.  

    2007 god moja cerka je napadnuta na pedesetak metara od nase kuce dok je vodila nasa dva psa u setnju (u pitanju je vrsta malih pasa: moltezer I silky terrier).  Napali su nju I nase pse dva pit-bull terijera (koji su I u to vreme bili zabranjena rasa u Australiji).  Cerka je bila sva ugruvana I izgrebana. Dzek (silky terrier), je rastrgnut; unutrasnji organi su mu pokidani do te mere da je iste noci uginuo, tj morao je da bude uspavan u bolnici jer mu nije bilo spasa.  Brandy (maltezer), je zadobio povrede, bio je sav krvav, ali je preziveo.   

    Psi, koji su napali nasu cerku I pse, su bili slobodni tj nisu bili vezani I bez vlasnika na vidiku.

    Slucaj je prijavljen Brinbank City Council ali nikada nismo saznali sta se posle toga desavalo izuzev da je Council dao vlasniku pasa adresu moje cerke I on ju je kasnije uznemiravao.    

    Slucaj 2.  

    Od 2007 do 2014 godine, nasi susedi su skoro svakodnevno pustali glasnu muziku po ceo dan.  Jacina je bila tolika da cerke nisu mogle normalno da uce u kuci. I pored zatvorenih prozora, nismo mogli normalno da pratimo TV I radio program niti normalno da komuniciramo telefonom. Basovi su bili takvi da su se vibracije osecale u citavoj kuci. Muzika je trajala po ceo dan a ponekada I nocu.  Izvor je bio nekada u susednoj kuci, nekada pokriveni deo zadnjeg dvorista, nekada prednje dvoriste (auto sa 1100W jakim subwooferom).  Jedno vreme su izdavali kamp kucu koja je bila u zadnjem dvoristu neposredno uz nasu ogradu. Odatle je glasna muzika dolazila cak I kada (izgleda) tu nije bilo nikoga.
    Obratili smo se za pomoc Brimban City Council-u.  Prvo su trazili da vodim dnevnik.  Kada sam im rekao da dnevnik vec imam (sa tacnim vremenom kada je muzika bila glasna), obavestni smo da:  

    – Oni tu ne mogu nista da urade jer je izvor muzike privatno vlasnistvo (da je na javnoj povrsini tj na ulici ili u parku, onda bi mogli da intervenisu)

    – Sused ima pravo da slusa glasnu muziku  

    Sada sam poceo da razmisljam o slucajevima:  

    1. Kada zabranjena vrsta pasa, bude pustena sa lanca I napadne tinejdzera na ulici I usmrti redovno registrovanog I vezanog psa onda je to – OK. Ne samo da je OK vec City Council obavesti vlasnika zabranjene vrste pasa o adresi zrtve. Ali, kada moja macka, bude primecena u susednom dvoristu, e, to je onda veliki problem I City Council mora odmah da reaguke kako bi se problem resio.  

    2 Sused, koji ne radi I koga ja, kao onaj koji placa taksu, prakticno izdrzavam, ima parvo da slusa glasno muziku po citav dan (I cesto nocu). Moje cerke, nemaju parvo da uce I spremaju ispite u odgovarajucoj atmosferi. U stvari, on ima vise prava da slusa glasnu muziku nego one da uce.  

    Sada se pitam ko je ovde lud?  Da li je problem u meni I ja ne vidim nesto sto je ocigledno.  

    Koje je ovo drustvo?  

    Ovde nesto nije normalno.